Thursday, January 31, 2008

Living a song.....

How many times is the "looney net brigade" going to head to the Spear's mansion? This has become a media traffic accident that's happening over and over. INTERVENTION TIME!

Britney's Mom can only say: "Please pray for my Britney!" News flash Lynne: slap your daughter "Bette Davis" style, get her out of the public eye and get her help.

"Mama? Is that you?

Britney's latest song: "Piece of Me" is sort of catchy and frightfully true to life:

I’m Miss American Dream since I was 17
Don’t matter if I step on the scene
Or sneak away to the Philippines
They still put pictures of my derrière in the magazine
You want a piece of me?
You want a piece of me…

I’m Miss bad media karma
Another day another drama
Guess I can’t see the harm
In working and being a mama
And with a kid on my arm
I’m still an exceptional earner
you want a piece of me?

I’m Mrs. 'Lifestyles of the rich and famous'
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. 'Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless'
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. 'Extra! Extra! This just in'
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. 'She’s too big now she’s too thin'
(You want a piece of me)

I’m Mrs. ‘You want a piece of me?’
Tryin’ and pissin’ me off
Well get in line with the paparazzi
Who’s flippin’ me off
Hopin’ I’ll resort to some havoc
End up settlin’ in court
Now are you sure you want a piece of me?
You want a piece of me…

I’m Mrs. ‘Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets’
When getting the groceries, no, for real..
Are you kidding me?
No wonder there's panic in the industry
I mean, please, do you want a piece of me?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Prescription to kill?

I just completed an interesting article in "Newsweek." The publication has obtained the name of all the prescription medications found in the loft bedroom of late actor, Heath's not good. The list includes Zopiclone, Diazepam, Lormetazepam, Temazepam, Alprazolam (Xanax) and Donormyl-doxylamine. Everything is speculation until toxicology reports come back, but no individual should have had the arsenal of sleep aides and anti - anxiety meds that Ledger had at his disposal.

I have a hands on history with all of the medications listed above and I can assure you that anything ending in "lam or pam" is not your friend. Benzodiazapens (most of the meds listed above, I'll call them benzos) are tricky little medications and highly addictive.

Every interview seems to indicate the actor was having trouble sleeping. He made remarks of only getting two hours of sleep a night and could not stop his mind from thinking (or turning it off.) All of this sounds familiar and the end result well may be just a terrible accident.

When an individual is "rapid - cycling" and cannot sleep or wind down, benzos are the first line of defense for most doctors. When you feel relief after taking the meds it's easy to get hooked. There is a certain euphoria one feels after the medication takes effect: you can breathe again, your chest feels normal and your head clears paving the way to calm. Sounds good? Wrong. The drugs are simply putting you in a depressed state to disengage your speeding engine of a brain.

These medications are what I call "band - aid" drugs masking symptoms of a much larger problem. Sure, one may feel good now, but soon will grow impatient as they begin to develop a tolerance and "the happy place" becomes more elusive only prompting the patient to increase the dosage. If relief still doesn't come fast enough, the patient may turn to another drug take it as well or take more of the original drug. See where I'm going with this. I know, I've been there.

It was not uncommon for me that once relaxed, I'd take more of the drug in an effort to keep me calm. I hope you never have to feel the chest - pounding heartbeat, 20 thoughts racing through your head, "I'm going crazy" kind of feelings I did, but if you would you'll take anything to make it stop. That's how awful it feels.

Benzos are by far the most over prescribed medications out there. We all have stress in our everyday lives it's in coping that one must find a solution. The solution is not in a pill, but in a life - style change. Have a "heart to heart" with your doc before going down the benzo path. If you are a drinker, mixing these drugs with any alcohol is out of the question. No exceptions.

From all indications, Ledger may have taken just the right amount, the right mixture to get him asleep, but tragically to the threshold to which there was no waking up.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Actor Heath Ledger

The reactions to the loss of this young talent have ranged from shock and devastation to: "Well there is other news!"

Whatever the cause, his death will leave a unique void in his craft (how he referred to acting.) The majority of the exteriors of Ledger's last film, "Dark Knight" were shot only a block from my office.

I tend to stay away from news message boards as most of what's posted is crazy ranting. However, I did read one this morning that was unfortunate: "What a legacy: being remembered playing a homosexual."

There is no doubt that Ledger's portrayal as the emotionally tortured Ennis del Mar from the Oscar winning film: "Brokeback Mountain" took him to the next level in his "craft." Ledger didn't hesitate to sign on to the project because to him "Brokeback" was just another challenge, one that earned him an Oscar nomination for "Best Actor." His taciturn performance was incredible, sometimes its what Ledger's "Del Mar" did not say that made his character so moving. I found I couldn't take my eyes off his face. Ledger forced you to try to read him and that is something I hope did not carry over into his personal life.

His sad and untimely passing silences one of the most talented actors of our time.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Actress Suzanne Pleshette

Suzanne Pleshette, a favorite growing up in our household as one the stars of the film "Rome Adventure" but a favorite in many households as Emily Hartley from "The Bob Newhart Show" lost her battle to lung cancer last week.

Pleshette was often passed over in casting due to her husky voice, but never seemed to mind. She was a natural as an actress and happy to settle into obscurity than take lesser roles or just being a "star." Pleshette quoted in a 1999 interview:

"I'm an actress, and that's why I'm still here," she said. "Anybody who has the illusion that you can have a career as long as I have and be a star is kidding themselves."

Most convincing as "the girl next door", her dry wit brought such life to her "Newhart" character that Bob Newhart chose later to pay tribute to the woman he considered his only TV wife. In what remains one of the most inventive and endearing ends to a long running sitcom, Newhart chose to wrap all the happenings of his later long running series as a dream, awaking to Emily Hartley (Pleshette) in their bedroom from his earlier series. In presenting the idea to Pleshette, she stated that: "If I'm in Timbuktu, I'll fly home to do that." Although not sharing a set for many years, Pleshette seemed as if she never left, Emily as dry as ever telling Bob to go back to sleep.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cold but QUIET.....

A digital camera, USB cord and iPhoto and you have an instant postcard. This is from Provincetown's Bay pier. This is probably the best location for some great pictures of what is right now the quiet little bay town. The city's "Pilgrim Monument" an excellent focal point.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Tira vs. Ann Coulter

All of us have a little, special place in our hearts for Ann Coulter. You know it will not be long before she pulls out that God ("Godless", sorry) awful black mini of hers and start spewing worthless, right - wing garbage about the upcoming presidential race. C'mon, you know that little blonde sweetheart that once said of 2004 VP candidate John Edwards: " The best thing that could happen to him (Edwards), is to be assasinated by terrorists." Oh, the love.

In the spirit of just being Tira, it's time to revisit some of the best "payback" Ann Coulter moments. ENJOY! Go Hillary!

  • Let's HANG UP on Ann!

  • Ann scorned!

  • LOVE LETTER to Ann courtesy of Henry Rollins

  • Ex "Bad Boy" metal rocker Rollins is a huge supporter of GLBT and other minority causes (basically everyone you wouldn't find at an Ann Coulter party.) And any gay man has to appreciate any straight man referring to a woman as "girlfriend."

    Have a great weekend - MATT

    Thursday, January 17, 2008

    What Would Tom Brady Do?

    New England Patriot's QB Tom Brady (courtesy of Towleroad)

    Boy, how far we've come. Thirty years ago an NFL quarterback or any male player for that matter would never allow themselves to be photographed in such a way. Remember all those cheesy 70's commercials and ads like scantily clad women applying shaving cream to men's faces? How times have changed.

    Is there anything the stoic QB can't do? Even straight men can have a little fun with "Bradymondium" as expressed in this somewhat corny video by someone who seems to be a bit more than a fan.......well at least in the song.


  • Okay, now where is the Brett Favre song?

    Smile! Dammit!

    You could be in a third world country where there is no dental care!

    Sunday, January 13, 2008

    "She's so lucky. She's a star, but she cries....."

    Britney Spears in the grips of mania

    In a blog that no one really reads, I've always said that I would keep my writings contained to events that were relevant to me. So what do I have in common with Britney Spears? Bear in mind that her saga is something that I have not followed intentionally more than it can't be avoided. Spears has lost control and has every symptom of being manic. But what drives someone to such behavior? For Spears it would appear to be an issue that most of her everyday life (since she could crawl) has been managed by everyone from stage driven parents to professionals. So when it was time to control her own life...well you know the rest, she turned to self- medication.

    In 2001 my personality changed dramatically. A ruptured disc in my lower back causing incredible pain sent me on a road bouncing from doctor to doctor in an effort to avoid a surgical solution. Most of the time I literally "limped" my way through the day. I can remember moments driving home from the office with tears in my eyes. With hardly no sleep, I began to have panic attacks from the pain and so the self - medication began.

    I began to mix tranquilizers, pain killers and alcohol, a recipe for disaster for me and most around me who began to see a noticeable difference in my mood and behavior. I started having episodes of mania. Anyone who has experienced mania of any kind know that you're like an engine (full speed) that cannot be disengaged. Suddenly coming home at the end of the day was not an option. I would drive straight to a bar and right to the dark place.

    When manic, I was a buying, eating, drinking and most regretfully a sex machine. I was always on this delusional quest to make myself happy while my partner Greg lay at home helpless to stop something he didn't understand. All he felt is that in all this "acting out", I no longer loved him. His loss remains the greatest price of my denial that I had a problem.

    Adding more damage however was a visit to a psychiatrist (his sessions were crazily off target even for the whack job I had become.) He diagnosed me as bipolar. Not only that, but I was an addict, everything to an extreme. Here came another prescription, this time for Depacote (a mood stablizer.) I told him that I was drinking and taking other meds. He did not believe this was the cause of my behavior.

    It was Thanksgiving 2001, At the height of all this craziness I was cooking dinner for twelve. I remember a late backyard call to my Mom. I was exhausted and crying as the celebration with Greg's family was extending into the night (nothing wrong with that, it was all me as I felt I had to be "on.") My Mom knows all too well the sadness I was feeling.

    The visits to the misdiagnosing doctor ceased. I returned to self - medicating and out until all hours of the morning. In doing this I still managed to make it to my job on or before time. Even surgery did not end the addiction to alcohol and the prescription drugs. The hole getting deeper and deeper. Greg growing more distant as he should. For him, this now became a self - preservation issue. I was hurting him deeply which I'm sure carried into his job.

    How all this turns out depends on the person. I know that I can no longer drink alcohol.....ZERO TOLERANCE on that one. I had scares this year with a minor heart attack, kidney cancer and colon / rectal issues. The malignant tumor was removed from my kidney successfully, but pain medication again entered the picture but it's use limited. I consider myself strong and incredibly lucky. Only YOU can make the conscience decision to stop the insanity that is driven by what you put into your body and to remember the blame no one but yourself.

    Britney Spears manic behavior is being brought to the world due to celebrity, but many are fighting this internal war everyday, unfortunately some are losing. I was saddened this week to hear of the death of skater Christopher Bowman. The most awful thing for celebrities is that they love you when you're on top of your game but are also anxious to report your death of an overdose in a "budget" hotel.

    "I've dealt with my ghosts and faced all demons, finally content with a past I regret, for once I am at peace with myself" so says a Rascal Flatt's song. As for Greg, I went to visit him (after almost five years) and his current partner. He finally has the life he's always deserved. When we were together I was a free spirit that brought him much happiness but also more sadness. During that visit I remember standing alone with him in their backyard watching the playful pups he and his partner had just brought into their home. For one moment there was a brief yet silent unexplainable sadness. There we stood with each other, two men who spent a decade of our lives together, my demons finally behind me but both of us probably realizing that horrible period of my life claimed a piece of both of our hearts forever.

    This post is for him.