All of us have a little, special place in our hearts for Ann Coulter. You know it will not be long before she pulls out that God ("Godless", sorry) awful black mini of hers and start spewing worthless, right - wing garbage about the upcoming presidential race. C'mon, you know that little blonde sweetheart that once said of 2004 VP candidate John Edwards:
" The best thing that could happen to him (Edwards), is to be assasinated by terrorists." Oh, the love.
In the spirit of just being Tira, it's time to revisit some of the best "payback" Ann Coulter moments. ENJOY! Go Hillary!
Let's HANG UP on Ann!Ann scorned!LOVE LETTER to Ann courtesy of Henry RollinsEx "Bad Boy" metal rocker Rollins is a huge supporter of GLBT and other minority causes (basically everyone you wouldn't find at an Ann Coulter party.) And any gay man has to appreciate any straight man referring to a woman as "girlfriend."
Have a great weekend - MATT
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