"A Picture of Me"

Although I know it's strange to say that I relate to the "Misfit Dolly" from "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", most people that know me would not bat an eye. Although her presence on the "Island of the Misfit Toys" is never explained, Wikipedia sheds some light (click and scroll down to "Island of the Misfit Toys"):
"Suffered from depression????!! Holy shit, what kind ratty-ass kid would dump something this adorable?????!!!!! And then the sun stops shining, the temperature drops for months and it snows and snows and snows.....no wait, that's my life.
The sun came out today, but more snow is expected tomorrow. The lack of sun can really effect your psyche. Now I know why the inhabitants of countries with a lack of sun make bathtub vodka. I love Chicago, but this has been the worst winter since we moved here. You know you're in a snow shit pit when even the most hearty of midwesterners are dragging their feet to the train in the morning. I call them "Les Miserables"
My happy - hour "Diet Coke" stop to "Buffalo Wild Wings" after work makes life a little better. I have my NTN trivia board (or blue crack as I call it), my waitress "Trixie" (her real name is Erika but says it's more fun when patrons are pissed at her that "fuck you Trixie!" just sounds better.) Trixie (never without a venti "whatever" from Starbucks, is sure to improve my mood. Like yesterday for example: she walked in for her shift and the first words out of her mouth were: "fucking lake effect fucking snow, fuck it! I am so tired of this shit! Let me go put on my "chicken suit" (her uniform.)I'll be right back."
Trixie lives with three other girls above "Spin" (a twinky, gay bar in Boystown.) She has one room - mate Lisa that is "high octane maintain" as she phrases it. Lisa can have several aliases depending on her mood. "Lisa Lean Cuisine" emerges when she accuses Trixie and the other chicks of eating her low cal., low fat frozen entrees. Trixie has eliminated that personality by going off on her: "Lisa, look at us, does it look like we are eating your fucking Lean Cuisine? We are a bunch of hefty - hideaway bitches here and your "snack food" just ain't gonna cut it. Stupid bitch!
I showed Trixie a picture of the Misfit Dolly. "Oh that is so me, but that dress has to go, otherwise it's a picture of me." Trixie, thanks for always bringing the sun out on a snowy day!
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