Thursday, September 01, 2005

"Hello? White House, are you there?

I'm not mad, I'M PISSED!!!

Time for us to contact the White House and send a scream so loud, the President will get on this full force. Clink the link below to call the White House or send an email.
  • Contact the White House NOW!

  • This was my response:

    Mr. President,

    As a new resident in the state of Texas (Irving by way of New Orleans), we are shocked and appalled at the slow response by you and the U.S. Government to the tragic events unfolding in New Orleans and coastal Mississippi.

    All runways at Louis Armstrong International Airport are clear to accept military and aid flights. Where is our government? The place of my birth is being allowed to deteriorate to third world conditions. I highly doubt if a catastrophe of this proportion occurred in Dallas, Houston or any other Texas city that help would be this slow in arriving.

    I am also upset that the head of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff is now playing "Monday Morning quarterback" on what should have been done and needs to be done in the future. His words are too much, too little, too late for the poor people of New Orleans and coastal Mississippi. We are sending horrific images of desperation to our nation and the world that America cannot take care of it's own.

    TAKE CARE OF THIS AND TAKE CARE OF IT NOW!!! Your Presidency is quickly becoming defined as a series of "knee jerk" decisions and with this disaster, the horrendous blunder of "turtle pace" action.

    Matthew Cortez
    Irving, TX