A Walk for Ryane

Some very close friends of mine recently lost their infant daughter to SIDS. Drew and Kristi Rush are like family and have treated me in kind. A few years ago, I had dinner with a very calm Drew a few nights before the nuptials and danced at their wedding.
I cannot fathom a loss of this magnitude. News of this nature is humbling and suddenly makes all the little stuff meaningless.
In April, the Rushes, Manns and their friends will be walking for Ryane and the many that have passed from this mysterious killer and other disorders associated with infant mortality in the "March of Dimes March for Babies."
I have posted a link to Ryane's page and I ask the few that check in on my blog to donate whatever you can to their team (just click #2 to the left "Donate to this Team.") I thank you in advance for your kindness.
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