"K Balls" in the N.F.L.? What?

Okay, even I find this story interesting. It seems that the issue of special "K balls" have come front and center in the wake of Dallas Cowboy's QB Tony Romo's play - off game losing fumble of a field goal snap against the Seattle Seahawks last Saturday night.
Romo was inconsolable in tears in the locker room after the loss. But what is a "K ball?" Besides an obvious joke possibility, it seems that these balls, used only in kicking portions of the game, are extra slick (waxy.) They are delivered by Wilson to the stadium in the type of security liken to that of an armored truck. Why do you ask?
Back in the day, it was discovered that coaches manipulated regular balls by such methods as microwaving, over inflating, etc. to give the pigskin some extra leg if you know what I mean. Some N.F.L. kickers were setting record touchback stats due to the "tainted" balls. The rest of the story, if your interested is in the link below.
Romo's incredible start at the QB position in Dallas (he replaced Drew Bledsoe) was one of the feel good stories of the N.F.L. season ending in a slide of losses and one football of which he'd love to have some serious alone time. I know a few friends who would like some serious alone time with Romo.

Now, Indianapolis Colt's kicker extraordinaire, Adam Vinatieri (see below, and he can say anything he wants to me), states that all kickers work with the same ball, so shut up!

Adam Vinatieri when he's not kicking
Pittsburgh Steelers kicker Jeff Reed
(pictured here).......

doesn't take rejection well. Apparently Reed was putting the moves on two women in a hotel bar after a game. They continually brushed off the N.F.L. kicker who abandoned his cause and asked: "Well can I at least have your phone numbers?" The women figured why not?
Gotta love the straight boys. Reed proceeded to go back to his hotel room and snapped this shot of himself in the mirror. He sent it to the women with the text message: "This is what you missed." Enough said, enough seen. Have to say the man is pretty good with a razor.

Jeff Reed when he is not kicking....or whatever.
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