Saturday, October 08, 2005

Gay Teens, the Vatican and Gay Marriage

It's been a busy week for the homosexual community. The cover story of this week's "Time" magazine focuses on some of America's Gay teens and their amazing courage to "come out" earlier than the national average age 18 years. In Rome. the Vatican tones down the rethoric in a document almost banning gay men from serving in their ranks. In the mean time, the state is Texas which already has "The Defense of Marriage Act" in place defining marriage between a man and a woman has introduced new anti-gay legislation in the form of Propositon 2.

The "Time" magazine piece is very informative covering a wide range of topics from the fight young gays face in their early teens to establish a true identity to friends and community to the increase in numer of gay/straight alliances in high schools and colleges to address a better understanding of the situation. It is sad that some religious groups see these alliances as "recruiting" cells to covert confused teens to homosexuality.

I am from a family in which four of five siblings are gay. I can assure you my older siblings were not talking to me about same sex fun much less proding me to increase our number to take over the family. My view on sex with women is sort of like that old 7-Up commcercial and caffeine: "Never had it, never will." I have known fom the age of 11 that I was homosexual.

In my early 20's, a well-intentioned, married, friend guided me to a sexologist for change threapy. This ended with the good doctor questioning my own friend's sexuality. Maybe fixing me would squash his own curiosity to "get it on" with me. Dr. "Dick Is Bad's" great therapy was my taking home lesbian pornograpy and at the moment of orgasm (supposedly a key window of time to change a desire) think only of women, NO MEN! I will leave this whole paragraph as I left his office without paying. What a crock of shit!

The Vatican is in heavy damage control to reclaim the masses that have walked away from well......their masses. I cannot comment on the horrendous. misguided turns the religion of my birth has taken, they speak for themselves. Okay, maybe just a few words: Stop using Gay men as the scapegoat for your own blind and wreckless ignorance that has spanned the ages. Their are more cover-ups in the upper ranks of the Catholic church than most governments. Science has already proven that the majority percentage of pedophiles are heterosexual, not the gay men you are targeting. Last and most importantly; God did not give a man a penis if he did not intend him to use it. This is stupid man-made dogma, contrived by stupid, old men. And yes, this Catholic, Gay man still prays a rosary to Our Lady everyday, and recites the "Stations of the Cross" once a week. You guys in Rome need all the help you can get.

As far as Texas's Propositon Two, a mean-sprited bit of government garbage that is "technically" a ban on Gay marriage, it is filled with less publicized verbiage that would take away many legal rights from Gays. It is a "Trojan Horse" bill without merit as marriage between a man and woman is already protected under current law. Governor Rick Perry has stated: If you're gay and you don't like it here, move. Gladly, Mr. Perry. Chicago here we come.