Saturday, August 13, 2005

Can Texas get any HOTTER?

You know you have to consider relocating when it's so hot, the plants on my second floor patio are hurling themselves over the railing in foliage suicide or the dog would prefer "holding it" till winter rather than go outside and relieve himself. At least the heat inspired me to create this blog.

For those of you that have spent countless hours at the local bookstore in the "Self-Help" section thumbing through such great titles as "Mommy, Why Are There Mean People?", or "It's Not My Mirror, It's My Reflection", or my favorite: "Clocking School Bullies For Dummies", save your time and money and buy the mega-chunk, chocolate chip cookie in the bookstore's coffeeshop. You'll get more satisfaction. I promise.

In the coming days, months or whenever I can sit down and collect my thoughts, I'll muse about my past 41 years in what has become a very interesting life. I'll cover just about every topic from growing up with multiple gay siblings (that alone should keep you visiting) to back surgery, prescription drug addiction, alcoholism and its effects on the ones you love, being a primary-caregiver to my terminally ill father and the sad fallout that can occur. I'll write about hope, which saved my life. I'll also chime in on current events, and not topics such as: "Is Nick and Jessica's marriage really in trouble?", or "Will we ever see Ben Affleck in another feature film?"

Stay tuned and thanks,